
Top 65 Autos Trends in May – Trend Hunter

In the last month, the automotive sector has witnessed various noteworthy products encompassing a broad array of vehicles and related technologies. This article covers a range of 65 of these products, which include advancements in car and motorcycle engineering, electric vehicle (EV) design, and EV charging infrastructure, and micro-mobility. The trends identified represent a cross-section of the industry’s current focus areas, such as sustainability, performance enhancement, and digital integration.

For example, the M12 Hexnut from Hexlox is a noteworthy innovation this month. While this is not a vehicle itself, it aims to solve a broader trend spurred on by the increased popularity of e-bikes: theft. This nut adds an extra level of security to an e-bike by requiring specialized tools to remove, securing components on the bike and making it far more difficult to remove.

On the EV side, the Voltpost is a unique piece of charging architecture that focuses on blending aesthetics with function. Rather than simply being a large bulky battery enclosure, the Voltpost is a stylish and functional lamppost that can charge EVs parked below it. This is a method of integrating EV charging directly into cities’ infrastructure without clashing with the existing buildings.


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